This is a rare and very interesting item. In Nov 1859 The Clerk of The Peace in Dublin , Robert Dickinson decided to have a full list of the 2868 Freemen of Dublin (at that time) put to Print by the famed printer , Robert Marchbank of Stafford Street (now Wolf Tone Street). This one is signed by Dickinson and in fairly good condition. It makes for fascinationg reading and so far all visitors to my gallery are eager to see if their surname feature. The address of each Freeman is also listed which is something that would not happen today ! (There is no Fennelly !) The list is labelled 1860 to the front so we can presime it sook several weeks to produce so dated 1860 to the front. There are 30 Pages and the printwook is of an excellent standard (well done Mr Marchbank)
Height 17.5" (44.5cm) Width 8" (20cm)
Not Selling for the Moment - Just so people can view